Marine Mercieux

Designer Collection Xisqueta 2014 2015

“Cadascú pot ser actor del canvi. La meva eina, en el meu cas, és el disseny. Aquest dóna sentit als meus ulls, si ens permet replantejar nous paradigmes que aviven la nostra època: com tornar a donar sentit a les produccions, amb respecte cap a les persones i cap a la terra. És el que acostumem anomenar, al capdavall, desenvolupament local.

It deals with social and environmental responsability and it's a fascinating path to walk in! It deals with knowleges empowerment, crafts and techniques, with the creation of collective and go ahead cooperating.

Meanwhile we always repeat the history of creations when everything already exist, it's a fantastic ground to explore. It makes me happy because it push me to move forward, to weave story, to build comunities. Trought craftsmen, we maintain culturals pillars which linked people to their surroundings.

Això és el vull transmetre i obrir nous camps per compartir i somiar!”